Sunday, July 10, 2005

104 Miles


I take all book knowledge and use it to benefit myself.
Allah the Father

One thing about the Nation in my experience is that it has always been pro-literate. I’ve seen brothers who could not read learn these degrees from mouth to ear (by oral transmission) and then be encouraged to go and learn how to read and write. I have always been impressed by how learning this Knowledge inspired a person to what to LEARN in general. That is something that the public school system has had trouble with amongst children nowadays.

When I was learning 120 all the Gods who I was around ALWAYS had a new book in hand. “Yo God, have you read (insert random title) ?!!!” Black Isa my brother was into ‘criminology’ books such as the Donald Goines and Iceberg Slim. Other Gods were into the hard sciences. Others had some plus degrees that they had to hip me to. I personally loved history books and science fiction.

Ironically, while being well read in school was being frowned upon by the ‘in crowd’ as ‘nerdish’, reading amongst the Gods who ran the streets was a sign of intellect. It was a sign of POSITIVE sign of intellect.



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